Understanding Cancer (And Green Smoothies)

Understanding Cancer (And Green Smoothies)

Photo credit to Joanna Slodownlk

Cancer is a disease that is hitting closer to home more and more as time marches on.  When something impacts friends, family, and acquaintances, you realize it’s a big deal.  Furthermore, my interest in health and longevity in general is increasing as I get older.  To be honest, I get really excited about this stuff.  My family thinks I am crazy.

Thanks to a friend who is afflicted with a similar insane passion for understanding what makes a long and healthy life (thanks C.S.!), I found this really simple but amazing presentation on understanding cancer and something simple you can do about it via nutrition.  The scientist who put the presentations together is Dr. Rhonda Patrick.  She is a real brain and someone who I plan to spend more time learning from.  I hope that you get something valuable out of these short videos.

Understanding Cancer. Part 1

Understanding Cancer. Part 2

Understanding Cancer. Part 3

I have been dong a similar green micronutrient smoothie every morning for a long time and really love it.  Mine has less fruit in it to keep the sugar content down.  I look forward to it every day, but my family is generally disgusted based on their reaction when I ask them if they want a sip! 


For an unbelievably low cost, you can get a personal blender that works great for me (click image).  Happy Smoothying!


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